Semi-frequently asked questions
What kind of camera do you use?
I use a Canon Mark III along with a 24-105mm f/4 lens (primary), 90mm f/2.8 t+s lens, 50mm f/1.4 lens, and a few others you can see here.
Can we share your recipe?
You may share a photo + link to the recipe. All written content is exclusive to and may not be reposted elsewhere, without permission.
Why don't you publish nutritional values?
Because I don't believe in counting calories or grams of fat or carbohydrates. (I do, however, wholeheartedly believe in counting grams of protein because there's no way in hell I could have gained 30 pounds in two years without tracking my protein intake.)
Will you do a vegan guide to Denver?
Done and done! But they're not vegan.
What do you use to edit your photos?
I use Lightroom.
Where'd you get that rug?
A rug dealer in Istanbul but, unfortunately, she's closed her online shop. If you search "Turkish kilim" on Etsy, you'll be able to find something similar. Beware: not all kilims are authentic. Expect to pay $1,000+ for a large one (in good condition) that is. Similar rugs here and here.
Your ingredient weights aren't the same as the standard weights.
Correct. I base the weight of each ingredient off of how much I naturally scoop with the measuring cup, not the other way around. It's the best way to provide both accurate cup + weight measurements for those who work with one or the other. Furthermore, in order for me to get a cup of flour that weighs 120 grams, I have to sift my flour two times then spoon it into a cup (ain't nobody got time for that).
Do you have any tips for aspiring bakers?
Bake often, use good quality ingredients, and trust your instincts. Oh, and don't give up.
Why did you decide to stop being vegan?
I literally woke up one morning and decided the diet no longer suited me (also just woke up one morning and decided running no longer suited me). I was tired of feeling like shit and more than willing to experiment with making subtle changes to my diet/lifestyle/what have you.
What happened to your recipes?
The blog archives are members only. But peep my Instarecipes for the recipes I’m actually eating and not just making for the sake of my job/creating new content.
When will Cake Club launch?
Nearly three years after ideation, CC is launching soon.